Northolt Islamic Centre

159 Church Road, Northolt, UB5 5AG
 075 9953 0189

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NIC Madrasah from 5 to 11 years registration are on waiting list

Note: NIC Madrasah from 5 to 11 years of registration are now on a waiting list for Sept 2024.
Click here for the Admission Form.

Northolt Islamic Centre on Map:

Jumu'ah Salah will be held at Islip Manor Youth & Community Centre,  Arnold Road, Northolt UB5 5ZN - at 1:10 pm

Juammah Salah on Map:

Please Donate Generously and Make your Masjid Debt Free.

Setup Direct Debit Now

Once you setup standing order, please email on with your name and address so we can send you your annual standing order receipts Or you may wish to contact NIC office on   075 9953 0189. JazakumAllah Khayr for supporting Northolt Islamic Centre

Northolt Islamic Centre is open to the public for Jamaat times only for all five daily salah

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